david schlesinger:全球媒体生态正经历变革浪潮,技术不平等应引起重视-米乐app官网下载

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david schlesinger:全球媒体生态正经历变革浪潮,技术不平等应引起重视
来源:视通社智库微信公众号  作者:视通社智库   发布时间:2022-03-03

  2月28日,由环球国际视频通讯社有限公司(国际视频通讯社,cctv )、北京外国语大学国际新闻与传播学院、社科文献出版社联合举办的《全球传播生态蓝皮书(2021)》发布会暨研讨会在北京举行。国际视频通讯社智库专家、路透社前全球总编辑david schlesinger发表视频致辞,点击视频观看演讲。


  it is a great pleasure and honor to once again be associated with the annual report on the global communicative ecology, and i present my respects and congratulations to the editors and contributors.



  when i think about the state of media ecology, i concentrate on the technological inequalities in the world that still exist and what this means for media production, distribution, and consumption. most importantly, i must think about what this means for change and development.



  while china is beginning to dream about 6g, and in fact in 2020 already launched an experimental test satellite with candidates for the 6g technology on board, many parts of the world are only now turning off 2g technology – if, in fact, they have mobile access at all.

  at the same time as we experiment with the future, much of the world’s population remains in the past, with all that means in terms of communications difficulties, media black spots, and technological handicaps.



  we can celebrate the fact that 94% of the world’s population lies within a mobile broadband coverage area, but despite that fact 43% of that total global populace still doesn’t use the mobile internet at all. media workers must not forget the unconnected – particularly when they are the ones already suffering from poverty, illness, discrimination, and lack of opportunities.



  unfortunately, those who lack media access are also those least likely to be covered by news organizations. not only do they miss learning from the media, but they miss out participating in the media as well. their stories aren’t told, their voices aren’t heard.



  our plans must not just be for development and progress, but for picking up, helping, and giving voice to those who until now have been left behind. our plans must not just be for development and progress, but for self-reflection, self-improvement, and reform of our own news gathering and management ethics and practices.



  our two-year experience with covid-19 has pointed out just how vital the media is – but only if that media is understandable, believable, trusted, and available to all. when the media ecosystem has worked well, it has delivered life-saving information quickly and efficiently to those who needed it urgently. when the media ecosystem has worked badly, it has undermined trust, sowed confusion, or even missed whole communities completely.



  we know that there are huge currents of change sweeping the global media ecosystem. the definition of news is changing. news gathering is changing. news distribution is changing. the financial underpinnings of the industry are changing too. a news organization that wants to be relevant for the rest of the 21st century must not allow itself merely to be swept along by the change – it must help forge the change. and it also must ensure that it creates an environment of change that is inclusive, diverse, and truly world-encompassing.



